Last weekend had been a very crazy weekend...with some bit of mahjong, tutoring and great lunch / dinner outside...
But it's really crazy because I've finally watching Eureka Seven on Youtube :) (full name Psalm of the Planets : Eureka Seven) and I think it's a very very nice anime. Finished watching 20+ episodes this weekend before book in and the ending was really nice and romantic... Haven't wrote an anime review before but this anime is too nice till I think I have to write a review for it.

"Don't Ask For it, Go Get It and You'll Be Rewarded"
The wonderful quote that attracted Renton to board the Gekko State. This particular teenager who is such a fan of ref-boarding (a term for sky-surfing in the anime) suddenly came across the Gekko State and the crew in his village. He also came in touch with Nirvash, the robot with this mysterious girl Eureka. Gekko state (the spaceship) was pursued by the enemies, where everything started... he thought he was dreaming when he could board the Gekko State and chase the Trapar (the winds for ref-boarding) with his idols.
Reality Hits : Childish Behaviour
But things turned out to be totally different from what Renton expects. Gekko state is an anti-government group. The world is flooded with Scab corals, and it's continuously growing, up to a point which its growth is gobbling up human's living space. The military wants to get rid of all the corals, but the Gekko State believes that humans can communicate with these corals.
Then things get very tricky. Renton doesn't know what's Gekko state is all about until he's already on board. And Eureka is not as simple as just "a girl of his dreams". She is not a human - but a Coralian, a creature created by the Scab corals - as a way to communicate with the humans. Then Eureka and Renton fall for each other, decide to show the world how to communicate with the Scab corals.
Moreover, it's not the first time that humans tried to eradicate the corals. Renton's father and sister, both tried to stop the world by postulateing the fact that corals are living things and humans can communicate with the corals. But they have failed in helping "First Summer of Love" and failed to negotiate how to co-exist with the corals - and had not returned home since then. So it's an utomst difficult task for Renton and Eureka to communicate and perform "Second Summer of Love"...

Things get even worse when Holland, the leader of the Gekko State is ultra protective of Eureka. He was an ex-militant and stole Gekko state and got Eureka out of the military. Initially he was really a bastard in the series, hitting Renton for no reason, thinking that he is not doing any good for Eureka.

But finally he did realise that Renton and Eureka really fell in love...things get a bit better. And finally Talho (the vice-captain) revealed her true feelings for him and that's when Holland gets little less childish and really becomes a hero at the end of the series...

"Do You Still Want Me"
Then the military also has their weapon against the Gekko State and the "invincible" TypeZERO Nirvash. They had their own version of Eureka and Nirvash - genetically modified girl called Anemone and TypeTHE END.

Up to the final test - the couple went on fine. But after the two found out the truth of the corals, Coralians, even the truth to Eureka's existence, things start to change. Eureka started to evolve and changed. She became paranoid and came out with this - "Do you still want me?"
The reply was indeed very sweet.
And Holland finally told Renton, the quote was supposed to be for him. The message was by his father and meant only for him, and Holland was merely the messenger. "Don't ask for it. Go for it and you will be rewarded."
A very sweet anime with tons of emotions and touching scenes.
A Real Voice From Deep Below
Saturday, March 17, 2007
This week is true hell.
Summary of what happened.
Monday : Marching
Tuesday : Marching
Wednesday : IPPT + PT
Thursday : Deployment in MOPP 4 + PT
Friday : Live Infusion (Injection) + A Bit Basketball
And my face is totally burnt, peeling. My arms have 2 additional poke holes. My front stomach area hurts. My right thigh totally hurts and I don't know if I can do my SAR 21 drills properly especially those saluting movements.
The marching is quite grueling this time, especially with the sun. Monday marching in the bright hot sun and Tuesday in the rain. Then this time actually the whole actual parade isn't as long as the SAF day parade, but somehow I still feel that the commands are not very clear (sometimes didn't hear the command then I didn't carry out the drills on time).
Then look at Wednesday. I actually thought I won't pass my IPPT this time (didn't have lots of training and really got very tired because of the parade) but I passed. =) Quite happy with it already. Actually quite lousy results...will try to work harder on it.
Sit-up : 34 (2)
Shuttle : 10.4(3)
Jump : 234 (4)
Pull-up : 8 (3)
2.4 Run: 11: 47 (3) => Total D + 15 (Pass)
Bad things just come one after another. Wednesday and Thursday had a lot of PT, with climbing stairs, statics, runs...then we are informed that we have to take another IPPT. Those who cannot pass will have to stay back on SATURDAY for remedial PT. It's a really big threat.
Then we have deployment. And our platoon short of so many people that we only have to deploy Decon, CAM and Treatment. A lot of people reported sick. Or possibly "sick". Then there was total disaster on Thursday over who should do Guard Duty. It's just - make me again feel very irritated about what is going on for our platoon. Some people just do a lot. Some people just don't bother.
Maybe people may think that...things will eventually be done so why not slack off and let other people do it. But what I's quite selfish. Can't friends help each other? And why everybody becomes so particular in doing work. And the guard duty why can't those people who didn't do any work now contribute?
Friday doing live infusion again.
Can people please co-operate when there's such time of crisis.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Book out on Saturday afternoon due to the CDF COC parade.
Then really had no time to blog / go out, with all the tuition etc.
So that's why I don't have time to blog. I nearly forgot.
Mini Platoon Outing!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday is the exciting day...had a lot of very fun activities.
1st was going to Yuki & Yaki with 8 other people...had a lot of fun doing the ice-cream and here's Vincent's masterpiece...

Splashing ice-cream!

Master with his good hands and great skills

Last min work by Vincent but it's still very nice :)
Group photo...looks like Exercise Titan trophy??
How nice is the ice-cream?? Look at their faces!!

And then we went inside K-box to sing until 4am. Took a cab home. Big hole in the wallet but had loads of fun.