Ultimate Q & A
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Disclaimer : Most of this set of questions is taught by this ultimate platoon mate of mine. Feel free to comment about it or curse about it. If it has a lot of friends I can consider putting up more Q & A. Enjoy and have a nice week ahead!
Instructions : After you know the answer (or give up), highlight the words behind the A so to reveal the answers. Here it goes~!
Level 0 (Warm-Up)
Q : Guess one zero (Chinese female singer) A : 蔡依林
Q : Mr Zhang just know that he’s his friend (Chinese male singer) A : 张学友
Q : 什么儿子 (Shop name) A : Watsons
Q : Mr Guo lives in a very rich city (Chinese male singer) A : 郭富城
Level 1 (Beginner)
Q : Ice cube lost its way (Band name) A : 迷路兵
Q : Meat him (Shop name) A : Bata (Meat – Ba [Hokkien] Him – Ta [Mandarin]
Q : Mr Tan just send one SMS (Chinese male singer) A : 陈奕迅
Q : Mr Zhang stun his mother in law (Chinese male singer) A : 张震嶽
Q : Morning (Chinese male singer) A : 黎明
Level 2 (Medium)
Q : No more sheeps left (Chinese female artiste) A : 杨丞琳 (Sheep times zero)
Q : 潘小姐鱼圆面加鱼圆 (2 Chinese artiste) A : 潘嘉丽 (加一粒) A : 潘玲玲 (O + O)
Q : Car can continue to “chiong” seeing the traffic light (Song name) A : 绿光
Q : 马先生穿短裤去跑步 (成语) A : 露出马脚
Level 3 (Quite Difficult)
Q : 弟弟在笑 (Male singer) A : Hady
Q : Who is the Taiwanese artiste that always shake his head A : Nono
Q : Whose Taiwanese artiste house is always empty A : 康康 (空空 in Hokkien)
Q : A very very fat person appear (成语) A : 原(圆)形毕露
Q : Ten guys (Place) A : Tampines (Quite Crude)
That's all for the week folks :)
What If I Die Now
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I'm still only 19 years old and I'm writing such an entry. It is very weird of course, but come to think about it. I'm already 19.5 years old so quickly. Ageing. And I don't think I will live for long.
Now I thought of a quote mentioned in Sisy's World News. When the Lebanese war started, there was this 32 year old Israeli who said, "I'm only 32. I've so many things that I've not accomplished in my life. I don't want to die."
What if I really die when I'm 19? Not as if it's not impossible. I've seen someone die at such a young age before me. Now it seems that it's "logical" that old people die and young people don't realise they can die at this very moment. But...what if I really die now?
What If I Die Now
I'm just a normal person, 19 years old There are so many years that should be ahead of me There are so many things that I have not done Yet I'm now forced to end my journey now
I am someone's son, and supposedly someone's father There are so many things to experience There are so many things to know Yet I'm not given the chance to move on further
I will not be able to fulfil those promises that I've made Those promises that I made to my previous soul-mate I won't be able to meet you in this century anymore Because I can't hang on already
I hate my destiny Does it have to come to this Yet I have to thank the almighty For bringing me to where I am thus far
To all the souls I met in this world I'm taking a move first But if given the chance, I would Shake all of your hands and say "I'm so glad I've met you"
I want to ask for more time to spare Yet I know I can't ask for more It's already such a colourful life It's already all I can ask for
I don't understand, just don't understand Why do I have to depart now I don't deserve more? Or it's just my destiny?
I hope my life is like a shooting star With that spark of brilliance, lighting up everything Not like an abandoned star Doomed from the very beginning, when I started to live
- Jeffery 221006 2333
I hope this entry isn't that philosophical (I don't think it is though) and hope everyone likes it. Don't worry I don't have any terminal illnesses. Just something that I want to share and hopes everyone cherish their lives.
Heartless Politics
Sunday, October 15, 2006
- This post is in Traditional Chinese, viewed under Unicode. Go Under View > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8) -
看了六年的台灣政治戲, 現在終於達到了高潮, 也讓全部的人都睜開了眼睛.
雖說是民主, 但是最後人民的力量還是這麼的微薄, 實在是讓人心寒. 政客實在是太可惡, 人民還是很可憐. 已經有一百萬人上了街頭, 但是還是沒有拉下那麼一個人. 這麼多人為了尋求公義, 但是換回來的卻是不理不睬, 還有這麼多的臭罵聲. 一個人和一百萬人, "不成比例", 但是權力更是違反了這個比例原則.
所謂的民主, 是讓人民當家作主, 但是總統卻獨攬權力, 變成了變相獨裁. 難道現在多數的民意沒有在反映出台灣已經不要這個總統了嗎? 權謀中的錯綜複雜, 也行成了一個保護傘, 讓這個貪腐的總統不必下台. 大家都是為了自己的權力而做考量.
這些已經白了頭髮的人, 這些帶著幼兒的人, 這些行動不便的人, 為甚麼還是要來參加活動? 為甚麼這麼多人還是願意日曬雨淋還在那邊圍城? 難道老天真的要捨棄這幾百萬人民的願望, 不讓總統下台, 而成全他一個人的願望讓他做滿任期? 這真的好殘忍, 很讓人覺得無力, 讓人覺得前途一片黑暗.
雖然這件事跟我無關, 生長在一個融合的社會裡, 看到台灣政局的變化, 也不禁覺得事態有些炎涼. 我有時候也覺得有些台獨激進份子也很奇怪, 他們為甚麼為了台獨而支持貪腐? 這麼簡單的對錯問題, 應該超越意識形態. 我認為台獨是一個遙不可及的一個夢想, 眼看中國的崛起, 台灣是要依靠大陸的. 統一只是遲早的問題罷了. 現在有西藏的例子, 就可以看出中國的經濟力量有多大, 能夠讓西藏不繼續往獨立的路走.
為了權力, 甚麼東西都不顧了嗎? 到了這種關頭, 大家還是這麼的自私, 只懂得自利.
This post talks about my views about the current scene of Taiwan politics. An entry that I thought of writing long ago.
Monday, October 09, 2006
One week break is finally going to be over.
I really spent these days playing Dynasty Warriors non stop and eyesight is going to spoil. Did almost nothing constructive all these while. Needed a good time to rest. It's back to deployment and extrication from tomorrow onwards all the way to Pass Out!
Only did more constructive things on Monday and Tuesday. Was dragged to the Meet-the-People session by my platoon mate. Felt quite extra. It was my first time there and I knew nothing (so I don't know why am I there for) and heard very weird complaints. Then got to see the MP of the area. Tuesday was spent on K-box for nearly 7 hours and enrolling driving lessons.
The best part of the break is MAF! Got to play ball back with fellow s64. The school did not change much (except the A Block extention is really ugly) Got to see quite a lot of people there. But missed the light up.
Two years just passed by so quickly. But those songs and mass dances really bond us to the school very well. And here we are again - singing together and gathering in a big circle. We were doing all these when we were J1s and J2s. And now we have 05s64 and 06s64 with us. It really felt like we are back home in HC.
It's a wonderful feeling back home for a week.
But it's time to work already.