Back Post - China Trip '05
Friday, December 15, 2006
Going to HK from 16 to 20th :) So to fill up the spaces, I'm posting my previous China trip photos and journal here...hope those who missed it will enjoy :)
Warning : The text below should be decoded using Unicode Have some patience for all the 30+ photos to load.
Wow. How long have I owed this entry. Two Weeks? Really have to write this entry - it was a wonderful trip for me - first time being in a tour group and really got to know a lot of things. I've managed to sift through around 300 photos, and got around 30 photos here.
It started off with a late night flight, reaching Shanghai at around 6am. Reached the airport fairly early, and realised the airport had quite some transformations. Used to see lots of dark red - but apparently they changed the colour scheme of the place. A lot of paperwork has to be done to get into China. The good thing about travelling with a tour agency - they fill up almost everything for you and you just sign wherever necessary :)
SIA planes also changed quite a bit. Sitting in planes isn't a very boring thing anymore. Movies, games, even Pok谷mon Gold is inside (but don't think you can complete it within one airplane trip). 4 hour seems to fly by so quickly after watching some movies.
First impression of Shanghai Airport - nothing really much. Isn't as nicely decorated or filled with shops like Changi Airport. Then have to walk so so far to get to the customs. Once out of the gates, we met my 姑妈 whom I didn't meet for like...10+ years. Then we followed the tour group and went on the coach.
The first day we first toured one famous old town 西塘. It was famous because of the rivers and its age. Lots of pigs trotters and those kind of fermented beans for sale. When I got back I realised it's the one featured on the taiwan zhongtian channel. And look at the trees - part of the stem is painted white. The Chinese had been applying plaster onto the stems for a long time, so that the trees won't feel cold. (Quite interesting)

It really looks very old, the people there are still burning coal to cook and to get warmth. We began touring the places where rich people used to live. There were many doors with very high 门槛 which symbolises their status in the society. There were many nice gardens (those people in the past seem to love to build gardens when they have money)

Then they also showed us how to make buttoms made from the shells of the clams...and had a lunch there. I guess their dishes were too oily, too salty or too sweet for Singaporean's taste. After hours of journey (just shows how big is China) we checked-in into a hotel located in the sub-urban area in Hangzhou city.
The next day we began the real tour in 天堂之城, 杭州. It was a 40 min ride to 西湖 (West Lake or Xizi Lake) which is located close to the city centre.

The locals are very proud of the river because it's located in the city centre and is one of the most beautiful lake in China (but sadly we are there in winter so can't see a lot of things). After we took a boat and cross the river.

we arrived at 苏堤 which is built by the famous 苏东坡 when he was still a city mayor. There were a few islands within the lake itself, linked by many bridges. We also went to many gardens. They still remain to be so nice during winter.

Then we came to this small island called 西湖天地 which is a very famous tourist attraction. There you can find lots of gift shops, and lots of famous dining restaurants like Haagen Daz, Starbucks or even...Crystal Jade. Haha. Had dessert in Haagen Daz - ice cream and fruits in hot chocolate. The good thing about China - you just need to pay the amount stated on their menu. No extra charges.
This is a very interesting picture taken over there. The background - a wall filled with 100 "寿" characters

Then we visited a tea plantation, and then went to a local "pasar malam". Quite a lot of things there, but they aren't that cheap as you think....haha. It really looks like those you see in those pictures.

At night we went to a theme park where we watched a classic performance, a show which is based on all the ancient Chinese stories. This theme park has one slogan - "给我一天,还你千年" You really see those scenes in the palace, with all the songs and dances.

It was another 3 hour ride before getting to 苏州. Just to get things into the right perspective - Suzhou is around 18 times as big as Singapore, and they said Shanghai is 11 times as big as Suzhou (so go figure out). Our coach directly drove into the 苏州工业园区 where Singapore invested in. Over there you see some things related to Singapore - even a pirated version of the merlion. This is the picture taken there - each flag symbolises the country which invested in Suzhou, with Singapore as the first flag.

Suzhou is a place with lots of rivers - boats used to be the main transportations. That is why you do see lots of rivers around. The next day we went to the silk producing factory and also a private garden constructed by one poet. This garden took him 16 years to complete, and every inch of the garden is CHIM. The photo below : the 2 pictures on the wall : Chinese believed that the ground is squarish and the sky is round (weird right?) and the seats for the host facing the east (东道主) and seats for the guests facing the west (西客) A lot of very interesting facts...

Then went to a famous temple there, and went in to hit the big bell. From there actually you can see 京杭大运河 which stretches from Hangzhou, to Suzhou and all the way up 杭州 to 北京. The river so called secretly followed our way up the tour.

Next we went to the city of 南京. Was quite surprised that we will go to 中山陵 which is actually like a mausoleum. Quite interested in the trip actually - interested to see where the Taiwanese leaders went during their journey to China early this year. And you do see lots of KMT's logo inside.

Then on top you see the words (3 peoples' principle) encrypted on the top there. And from the top (300+ steps up) you cannot see the individual stairs but you can only see all the platforms - a creative idea by the designer...

At the dinner we tasted 秦淮 and the dishes - were quite interesting lol. But a lot of the people didn't dare to eat duck's blood (which I think is nice). All the food come in individual servings so this is the only time you don't need to fight for food :) After dinner came shopping in another night market.

Next day - still in Nanjing. Went to a bridge (sadly forgotten what's it called) It was one of the biggest projects led by Mao Zedong. So we see a big statue of Chairman Mao right at the entrance. Beside him were his words of encouragement to the workers at that time.

Then this was the bridge, the top level allowing cars to pass through and the 2nd level for the trains.

We also dropped by a workshop...this particular artist draws within glass balls and within thin glass panels (note the word within)

Later that day we went to 无锡. And...the tour guide mentioned that it was once called 有锡 (so you get the idea why is it named like that). And went to the place selling pearls grown in their freshwater lake. Also went to this Film making studio. A lot of films are taken there, and there's a large panel which recorded all the shows which had scenes taken from the place.

Interesting rock which required 1000+ years to get its shape

Then we watched a show, a live performance by those trained actors - a show briefly about 三国.

Wuxi is also very popular for the 紫砂壶. Actually didn't know teapots come in so many different colours. They were like describing how rare is the mineral (mineral only found in Wuxi) and I'm quite shocked that the teapots don't really cost a lot (around 300RMB)

Finally to the last stop 上海. It's also a very long journey from Wuxi, around 2 hours? And getting to the city centre is not easy, considering the heavy traffic. We've got a small preview of what's the traffic like in Shanghai. The city is very dependent on elevated highways...but still it took the coach around one hour just to get from the city border to the CBD on highway. Just look at the situation...right from the hotel.

First we stopped by a very nice shopping area 南京路步行街. Got a feeling that it's really like some downtown place in Hong Kong :)

Then we went to The Bund. It is really spectacular at night. But there's no shopping centre there. It's more like Raffles Place...offices and banks. Those banks are in such nice buildings. Really didn't see such a good night view before. Everywhere is a good spot for taking pictures.

We had a tour down 黄浦江 which allowed us to take pictures of the 2 sides of the river. But sadly...the ferry shakes and you can't get a really good night view without a good camera. So I was busy taking pictures after alighting the ferry.

There's a live TV on the buildings. And the leftmost tower is 东方明珠塔. It is the tallest broadcast tower in Asia. Very good looking at night :)
The next day we went to another mausoleum, then to the restaurants around where there are lots of "pirated handbags and leathergoods" and you really can bargain a lot.
Last day was free activity from the morning till 12pm. We dropped by 中央公园 which marks the city centre of Shanghai. Around the park it was where all the government offices are situated.

Visited 上海城市规划馆 (you can also call it Shanghai URA) and it's quite exciting. Lots of exhibitions, lots of exhibits on the recent developments and the historical photographs. The most interesting thing - the model of Shanghai in 2020. One photo is not enough to capture it.

Yup and that marked the end of the 7 day trip. And have a peek at the Shanghai airport's departure gate.

Back to's SO HOT. The temperature there fluctuates around 0 deg, but during the warmer days it hits around 10 deg. Quite sad we didn't get to go there around the Christmas season, otherwise we may get to see some snow. First time experiencing such cold winter. Wonder what will happen if I went to Beijing instead...
Be thankful I live in Singapore and don't need so much clothing. Really wore a lot of clothes, layers after layers over there.